Julie and her story have been featured on numerous television shows, in many nationally-circulated magazine articles, and in newspapers across the country, including these:
Broadcast Outlets
WGN Someone You Should Know
Dr. Oz Show
ABC 7 NEWS - Karen Meyers
The 700 Club - CBN
LeSea Broadcasting's "The Harvest Show"
TCT's "Alive" with Walt & Betty Mills
TLN's "Aspiring Women"
LifeTime Television's "Beyond Chance"
CNN - "Survive Your Drive"
WB Network - Channel 9 News
"Someone You Should Know"
American Family Radio
Relevant Radio
Kitchen Chat with Margaret McSweeney

Published Articles
Government report finds deficiencies in most U.S. hospices (co-written with Jim Sullivan) AICPA CPA Insider Dec 2019
Financial planning for clients who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (co-written with Jim Sullivan) AICPA CPA insider Sept. 2019
The financial and human cost of social isolation in retirement AICPA CPA Insider (co-written with Jim Sullivan) Jan 2020
Keynote address - AICPA Elder Planning Conference Dec 2019
Articles about Julie
Geico Direct Magazine
Suburban Life Newspaper "Care of the Acutely Ill"
Suburban Life Newspaper "Survivor Completes Triathlon"
First For Women Magazine "A Near-Death Experience"
Daily Herald Newspaper "Picking Up the Pieces"
Chicago Tribune "Comeback Kid"
Woman's Day Magazine "The Fight of Their Lives"
WTTW Channel 11 Newspaper "They Have Clout"
Daily Herald "Woman's Road Back Leads to Race"
Suburban Life "Athlete's First Race Follows Steps of Difficult Recovery"
Chicago Tribune "Runner Makes Strides for Mom"
Downers Grove Reporter "Learning To Live Again"
Daily Herald Newspaper "A harrowing injury led her to Happy"